Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Final nail of the earth´s coffin is in our hands

Been following this current panic about the depleted oil stocks carefully (see this) and not sure if I´m sypathetic or just plain glad that this crisis has come so soon. We´re going to have to bang our heads together to sort out some alternative to our previous addiction to oil sooner or later, and there´s nothing like an international crisis to kick start the process.

My biggest concern is that the world doesn´t turn into the apocalyptic nightmare that Chuck Vanderberg describes in his book about the state of the world in 2083, After the Sunshine. When organisations like the World Environment Consortium do their utmost to sell what few resources are left to the companies with the deepest pockets, then a world without oil is likely to be a pretty grim one.

Our greatest hope is to combine our collective will and an energy for a future our own grandchildren deserve. My own small contribution to this is ´bonsai cultivation´. Through appreciation of the true art of bonsai, we will come to appreciate and cherish the value of nature.

If we don´t start doing something soon, it looks like future generations will have our generation to thank for banging in the final nail of the earth´s coffin.


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