Saturday, March 3, 2007

Concerns about WENCON

I know that I shouldn´t really be publicly bad-mouthing the organisation that my own brother works for, but WENCON´s reputation for questionable environmental practices has been weighing on my mind for too long. As a lawyer, I´ve always felt that truth is the only path to justice, and we are all duty bound to let that truth be known. But perhaps not if it puts the lives of other in danger, right?

So, much that I´d like to make public what I know about WENCON´s practices, I must remain tongue-tied for the sake of others close to me, and merely suggest to other individuals, groups and organisations to be very wary of collaborating with this so-called ´environmental´ consortium. I fear the economic value of the earth´s few resources are their only real concern. It doesn´t take a genius to predict what their current policies will do for the planet of future generations.

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