Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The day after the night before

I'm not exactly sure what's happened but armageddon has befallen "Bindu's Blog". Everything has disappeared!

Yep, all my posts from the last three years of blogging have been flushed down the great web waste pipe. I've tried everything and everyone but nadda. Blogger support have been very good but they don't have any answers that seem to work. Moving servers around in some back room at Google I suppose. Some new year this has turned out to be

So what now?

Well I'm going to have to start again. This blogging bug is hard to kick. I have some bits and pieces on my computer and I'll try to post some of the best bits that I can salvage. Some of the things I've said I can kind of remember and of course I still have lots of pictures around the www.

But it's going to look like I've done a lot of posting in the next few weeks and months while I get "Bindu's Blog" up and running again!

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